Friday, July 4, 2014

Shrimp Sandwiches

While I am the main cook in the family, there are some things that the husband is really very good at, and luckily (or naturally, perhaps) they are dishes that he loves and I am not as keen on. They would, honestly, never be made if he did not make them. I can almost always count on him when I am not feeling up to cooking for some reason, to make a shrimp sandwich. He will make his own sauce, using mayonnaise and chili sauce and whatnot, but since his sister introduced us to lemon mayonnaise (we are really bad at trying out new things at the supermarket, we just always buy the same-old) his sandwiches have reached another level.

There are usually hard-boiled eggs involved, cucumber or lettuce or both, cooking apples (Granny Smith is often in the house) tomatoes, even cold potatoes if there are any (sandwiches of any kind is a great way to use left-overs), dill (indispensable really, but once or twice we have been out of it and he has come up with novel ideas like using paprika), and whatever bread we happen to have. The bread is toasted and buttered, or even fried sometimes. Perhaps he skips the bread and makes a cocktail of it, as an appetizer. Or serve bread on the side, which I suppose makes it a salad? Oh, almost forgot the most important thing: the shrimp. We buy them already peeled, and they must be large and fine-looking. Never frozen.