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The ham, lovingly and scientifically cooked by the husband. |
This is how the traditional Swedish Christmas buffet is eaten, according to the etiquette guru at Dagens Nyheter, Magdalena Ribbing:
Enligt gammalt sed begås (begå betyder både verkställa och fira) julbordet i en viss ordning. Obs att ingen annan ska notera vad man tar och hur man kombinerar, den som tar prinskorven till Jansons eller fruktsallad till lutfisken ska få göra det utan andras kommentarer.
According to old custums, the Christmas buffet is eaten in a certain order. Observe that no one shall note what anyone else puts on their plates and how they combine dishes, he who prefers sausage with Janson´s Temptation or fruit sallad with boiled ling may eat this without having to endure other people´s comments.
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Did I mention scientifically? It is now plotted against previous year´s hams on a computer spreadsheet... |
Sex varv kring bordet brukar anses korrekt av de mycket noggranna.
Six rounds about the buffet is usually considered correct by the very strictly traditional.
Första varvet: Sillarna med en potät. Räkorna som är en modern uppfinning på julbordet (kan man lika gärna vara utan anser jag, obs att det är förkastligt att pilla av räkorna och lämna de tråkiga ägghalvorna nakna.) Gäller även löj- och laxrom.
First round: The pickled herrings with one potatoe. Also the shrimp, which are a modern invention (you can forgo these, in my opinion; observe that it is absolutely reprehensible to pick the shrimps from the boring egg halves and leave those bare). Vendace and salmon roe.
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This year´s Christmas tree. |
Andra varvet: kalla fiskar: gravad lax, ål (nej, knappast i nutid), kallrökt lax, inkokt lax, strömming.
Second round: Cold fishes: gravad (salted, raw) salmon, eel (hardly ever, these days), cold-smoked salmon, poached cold salmon, herring.
Tredje varvet: Varma fiskar, lutfisk, julgäddan. Jansons frestelse, laxfenor.
Third round: Warm fishes: boiled ling, Christmas pike, Janson´s temptation, salmon fins.
Fjärde varvet: Kallskuret, leverpastej, korvar av alla slag, och om det är ett äkta gammaldags julbord också en omelett med kalvbräss som ska vara snäll mot julbordsätarnas vid det här laget lätt stressade inälvor.
Fourth round: Cold cuts, liver paté, all types of sausages (mostly prinskorv), and on an old-fashioned buffet also an omelet with neck sweetbread (a gland from the calf) that is supposed to be kind to the eater´s already rather stressed intestines.
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Traditional, but down-sized. |
Femte varvet: Varma kötträtter. Köttbullar, rödkål, förr ofta också njurstuvning, och så skinkan med eller utan dopp. Den är julbordets höjdpunkt, oavsett dess smak och utseende måste den berömmas.
Fifth round: Warm meat dishes: meatballs, red cabbage, in the old days often kidney stew, and the ham with or without dipping bread in the ham stock. The ham is the highlight of the buffet and must be praised, irrespective of its taste and appearance.
Och sjätte varvet till slut, då kommer desserterna: mandelformar med kompott, fruktsallad, spettkaka, ris à la Malta eller vad man nu har för favorit – en sådan måste det verkligen vara för att den ska få plats ovanpå allt annat.
And finally, the sixth round, when it´s time for desserts: almond cookies with stewed fruit, fruit sallad, pyramid cake, risalamande, or whatever is one´s favourite - there really must be a favourite if you are going to manage squeezing it in on top of everything else you have eaten.
Ska man uppföra sig gammaldags korrekt är det äldsta gästen som inleder vandringen runt julbordet. Övriga kommer i god artighetsordning, kvinnor före män, äldre före yngre. Barn sist, synd om dem; de flesta av dem vill ändå bara ha köttbullarna och prinskorven. Man kan mycket väl vara nutida och låta barnen börja. Det kan också kallas julfrid.
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I have yet to meet anyone who didn´t have room for knäck. |
If you want to behave old-fashionedly correct, the oldest guest starts the rounds. The rest come in order of courtesy: women before men, older before younger. Children last - too bad for them - but most of them only want the meatballs and the prinskorv anyway. You can perfectly well let the children go first. It is called Christmas peace (and quiet).
(my quick & dirty translation)
Ribbing does not mention cheeses. All buffets I have had, and indeed our own, has a good selection of cheese: Edamer (sold as Christmas cheese), Brie, Wästerbotten, curd, Blue, et cetera.
Wow! That's more kinds of food than I have ever seen in one place and time ever!
ReplyDeletePersonally, I think Christmas comes too often, and the food is part of it. Every third year I might manage, and even enjoy, this kind of gluttony. We are still living off sandwiches from the left-overs...